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A Good Excuse to Get More Sleep

Published May 28, 2017

Poor Sleep Makes You Reach for Fattening Pick-Me-Ups

What if you could lose weight and sleep a little longer? It turns out that the two have a definite connection. People who get the proper amount of good quality sleep also tend to have a healthier body weight than those who don’t. It depends on the person, but an average of seven hours a night is about what it takes to wake refreshed so that you have enough energy to get through your day. And it’s also what it takes to keep insulin resistance at bay so that your hormones don’t start telling your body to start storing excess calories as fat. A good way to start is by going to bed earlier. If you go to bed earlier, you’ll have more time to spend asleep. And you won’t be tempted to reach for that midnight snack, because you’ll already be on your way to dreamland. But what can you do if sleep just doesn’t come that easily? Read more…


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September 10, 2024

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) for Hormone Imbalance in Women: A Path to Wellness with BodyLogicMD

Hormonal imbalances can dramatically impact a woman’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being. As women age, their hormone levels naturally fluctuate, leading to uncomfortable symptoms that can disrupt daily life. Bioidentical […]

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